We’re Tiny, But Mighty

Who we are

The name Tiny Pride is derived from the notion that small change can lead to really big impacts in the real world. We know change takes time, so we also take the view that sometimes for organisatoins it’s like turning the titanic where change is gained inch by inch.

So tiny but mighty does come to mind - and of course we cannot do this work without acknowledging the long history of LBGTIQA+ pride and all that came before us including wonderful humans who trail blazed for the greater good, making the world a safer and better place.

Our focus on making changes in small and medium organisations also supports our strategic direction of activating organisations that aren’t able to do Rainbow Tick and those that would like support on their inclusion journey.

We’re proud to be a partner of choice for organisations who use our expertise and lived experience to make inclusion and diversity an organisational strength.

Tiny Pride Incorporated was established as a not for profit association in November 2021.

Our contribution to our community

Tiny Pride is committed to investing into the LGBTIQA+ community in line with our purpose. We’re proud to have supported a range of pride events, community activities and advocacy projects.

In brief, these include:

- Sponsoring Lesbian Day of Visibility

- Pride Breakfast x Rainbow Ballarat Coffee

- Frolic Festival events

- Policing and the Rainbow Community

- Snap, Send, Solve

- Swim + Gym training for BALC Pride Events

- Rainbow Families Ballarat Playgroup

- Biggest Games Day Ever